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“Industry X.0” intervenes in all corporate aspects

    With the “Industry X.0” concept, everyday tasks and routines, both in the office and at home, will be reinterpreted and intelligent processes will orchestrate the new way of working. Intelligent products are used in such a way that you can use the corresponding services and ensure a seamless experience from start to finish.

    Many companies are already using “Industry X.0” solutions by supporting the unique human capabilities of employees with situation-specific artificial intelligence. In the oil and gas industry, for example, leading companies are using artificial intelligence to analyse drilling “big data” to increase productivity. As such they eliminate adverse events such as loss circulation, “kicks” and stuck pipes.

    Research is already showing how Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Internet of Things (IoT) and other innovations are coming together to shape the future made possible by digital twins and digital threads. 

    The next generation of employees and customers demands

    Intelligent work tools and digital solutions will be available to employees and customers in the future. But personalisation alone will no longer do the trick. What is needed is tailor-made information in a specific context and at exactly the right moment. Process optimisation must therefore be decentralised and self-adaptive in order to be able to take advantage of all services. This requires an understanding of the so-called “human-in-the-loop” concept. The tools must be stakeholder-oriented and creative in order to consider, predict and optimise outcomes and enable new levels of access.

    Today, digital technology is a strategic priority for any company. In the “Global Technology Vision 2019” survey of more than 6,600 business and IT executives, 94 percent of respondents said that the pace of technological innovation in their companies has either accelerated or significantly accelerated in the last three years.

    Given this collective prioritisation of digital technology, all companies will eventually move towards the same turning point – a point at which new technologies are expected by every company. In other words, the digital advantage will eventually even out.

    So what will this new, “post-digital” world look like? 

    It will be shaped by companies looking for the next competitive advantage. Companies are already facing increased expectations from customers, employees and business partners. Some companies are already taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digitally controlled individuality, first offering two different options of a good or service, then ten, later hundred different options and so on. The success of this approach has created the illusion in companies that they can precisely meet every need, no matter how individual or specific.

    More and more companies will have to turn this illusion into reality if they want to meet the increasing expectations. The coming era will be marked by massive pressure of customers, employees and society asserting their demands. But it will also offer enormous opportunities for those companies that can bring in the relevant experience at exactly the right time.

    What’s in for You?

    We would be pleased to support you on this exciting journey. Our experts have experience in these areas and are ready to help you with advice and support. Benefit from their experience and let us support you and your teams. You don’t have to make all the mistakes yourself.